Cave diving club Vrelo on 28.07.2011 (Thursday) starts with the preparation for the announced expedition for exploring the underwater cave Vrelo, this year without foreign teams, with its own potential of divers and equipment. The preparations regards to transfer of the whole equipment to Matka (two boats, engine for the boats, compressor for the tanks, balloons for lifting weights and other diving equipment), as well as equipment for the camp, the research center for the divers, which is located 500 meters from the entrance of the cave. This action should help in removal of stones (which have collapsed from the rocks above), from the entrance of the underwater cave which will help in the expedition from 03.08.2011 – 12.08.2011. The activates which are planned for the expedition is:
– Preparation for tourist visits, special tour for extreme divers to specific destination inside the cave, research and discover of the horizontal tunnels inside up to 380 meters horizontal and 40 meters depth.
- Detail research of the air chamber – Room Peoni.
- Taking samples of water, sediment and rocks, this will be given to MANU for research.
- Preparation of photo and video material.
This year expedition which starts on 03.08.2011 (Wednesday) is training for the biggest expedition for depth exploration in the underwater cave Vrelo scheduled for next year. The expedition is lead from the president of the cave diving club Vrelo, Kiro Angeleski.