A walkthrough underwater history of the Adriatic – diving paradise of Mali Losinj The course was organized from the Croatian Restoration Institute and it took place on the little island Mali Loshinj. In 10 days the team got trained in search for artifacts, photo documentation, drawing underwater
Повеќе →The international expedition for research of the underwater cave Vrelo on Matka officaly started on 10th July when in Macedonia arrive the team from Italy lead from cave diver Luigi Casati. The research of underwater caves started on 5th July with the Belgium team of the expedition
Повеќе →“Vrelo is amazing cave which is try encounter for exploration. At the same time it’s very complex and it takes time for total research” – said Luigi Casati on today press conference which was held in the cabinet of the Mayor of Skopje, Koce Trajanovski, on the
Повеќе →In his new try to go as deeper in the underwater cave Vrelo, Luigi Casati went on 112 meters depth, which is his record achieved in cave in Italy. Deeper he could not go for reason that the cave on this level splits in two corridors. Besides
Повеќе →The left corridor was full with mud and with very low visibility. The Italian cave diver Luigi Casati, today, as he announced, he made his first dive into the depth of the underwater cave Vrelo on Matka. On the depth of 130 meters were the cave splits
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